Christian Regenbrecht
Dr. Christian Regenbrecht is co-founder and CEO of CELLphenomics an ASC Oncology.
Prior to founding CELLphenomics, Christian was principal investigator at the Institute of Pathology, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and was responsible for the establishment of complex cell culture models in several publicly funded projects, including IMI’s Oncotrack and BMBF’s TREAT20. In this role, Christian acquired external funding from both private foundations as well as public sources. With his team, he established more than 100 patient-derived models and published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals. In recognition of his scientific and organizational skills, he headed the LFGC – Charité’s core facility for functional genomics. In 2012, he was awarded the Innovation Prize of the states of Berlin and Brandenburg, together with software giant SAP. Prior to leading his working group at Charité, Christian was a postdoc and junior group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genomics in the department of Hans Lehrach. Christian holds a PhD from the University of Bonn Medical Center and a diploma in biology from the University of Bonn. Because of his expertise, he is the Representative of Germany in the European Cooperation in Science and Technology.